Story about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. , Fibromyalgia.

A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. story

Dec 2, 2

Hi all

Here is my story....

I started having problems with my knees when I was about 11yrs old, docs just thought it was growing pains and all they did was give me antiinflammatories. As I approached my mid teens I started sleeping in class although I was sleeping at night so along came the sleeping pills for awhile, the docs thought I had a disrupted sleep pattern and I was just bored at school. My doc never took me seriously!

Skip a few years of me just trying my best to get through each day. And we come to child number one! I was always exhausted, doc put it down to being busy with child, same with child 2 and 3! I am now in my mid twenties and still in pain and still tired Doc does nothing :@ 

Me and my family move to France and I'm still having all my problems with some additional issues arising so my new French doc sends me to a rheumatologist and by the end of that appointment I am diagnosed with Fibromyalgia which he believes is caused by unrestful sleep ie missing stage 4 on the sleep cycle. I was relieved to have an answer finally! I am now on antidepressants, a sedative when needed and Gabapentine for my hot restless legs I suffer with most nights. Here are my complete list of diagnoses : Fibromyalgia, Nervous Anxiety, Carpal Tunnel in both wrists, Restless leg syndrome and lots of other lil bits an bobs.

It only took almost 20years to get to the bottom of my problems and to get some help.

Thank you for reading my story

Jade xxx

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1 comment

We really have to be strong. You are, aren't you? actually we do not have much choice...

Finally, I am lucky since it took "only" three years to me to understand the bottom of my problems...on my own. I met Professor Cabane, in Paris, about eight years ago, to make sure I was right. And I was, unfortunately... I am pleased to share some words with you here. I would like to meet people like me, but I am a bit far, in my island...

Commented 8 years ago marie 40

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