Story about Essential Thrombocythemia , Hypothyroidism.

Gail’s Story

Jan 6, 2019

By: Gail

Year Condition Began: 2005

Was having trouble with health symptoms which affected my work ethic, a job I loved, so I asked my internist to either fix me or make it so I didn’t care! My symptoms were sudden confusion, dizzyness, a phantom feathery feeling and tingling in my legs, and burning in my thighs. He was not concerned with my mildly elevated platelets, because I had many sources of potential inflammation, hypothyroidism, osteoarthritis, urge incontinence, high blood pressure and overweight. We concluded I had anemia. He sent me for an MRI, to neurology to assess the possibility of TA damage, and then to a hematologist /oncologist, who conducted a bone marrow biopsy first visit. Bone marrow confirm the anemia was normocytic normochromic, ET, and a differential diagnosis favoring MDS (high pronormoblasts, sea blue cytoplasm). Actually think I had it at least 10 years earlier based on having recorded virtually the very same symptom complaints in my journal.

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