Story about Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome , Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome.

my story

Feb 24, 2024

Year Condition Began: 2024

i was rushed to hospital with a burst apendix of which i had surgery to remove my apendix and they washed my insides due to infection from the burst apendix. the surgery was a success and i was left with 2 drains to help drain any infections still there and was given iv fluids to keep me hydrated. unfortunately i had a collection of bacteria of which they gave me a course of antibiotics for. the day after the operation i began vomiting around a litre at a time , causing concern. i had an overnight NG tube inserted to drain the sick. even after that was removed i continued vomiting despite infections clearing. this led to suspicion of SMA (superior mesenteric artery syndrome) of which i was diagnosed with following a swallow scan.amazingly the sockness stopped and i began eating again , i managed to keep food down and after three weeks in hospital i was discharged with weight gain advised. it wasnt until i was home recovering that i began research on sma syndrome. i am yet to find out what the road ahead looks like but im currently working on the weight gain with the hope to restore the fat and relive the pressure.

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