Story about Tarlov Cyst .

Just finding out about Tarlov Cyst Disease

Sep 22, 2023

Year Condition Began: 2015

It's hard to say when my condition began. I just recently found out about my Tarlov Cyst on 08/28/2023. I had never heard of this disease prior to this day. After I found out what sent me to the hospital in what I call dibilitating pain I was over a 10 on the pain scale. I was hospitalized for 4 days. I was being given IV pain meds, IV steroids, muscle relaxers, and gabapentin around the clock. I was released not pain free but to where I could at least walk some. This is when I started my research. It seems a lot of my issues I have been having for years with no diagnosis could be from or related to my cyst. I have had visual migraines, ringing in my ears, right side of my face and neck have felt numb for years. Bladder therapy & surgery, numb right side butt all the way down. My right foot is asleep and won't wake up. I have pains like cramping down the back and side of my leg that get triggered if I stand, walk, or sit to long.

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