What is the life expectancy of someone with Transverse myelitis?

Life expectancy of people with Transverse myelitis and recent progresses and researches in Transverse myelitis

Transverse myelitis life expectancy

Transverse myelitis is a rare neurological condition characterized by inflammation of the spinal cord. The life expectancy of individuals with transverse myelitis varies depending on the underlying cause, severity of symptoms, and response to treatment. In many cases, with proper medical care and rehabilitation, individuals can experience significant recovery and lead fulfilling lives. However, some individuals may experience long-term complications or disabilities that can impact their overall health and life expectancy. It is crucial for individuals with transverse myelitis to work closely with healthcare professionals to manage symptoms, receive appropriate treatment, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Early diagnosis and intervention play a vital role in improving outcomes and quality of life for those affected.

Transverse myelitis (TM) is a rare neurological condition characterized by inflammation of the spinal cord. It can affect individuals of any age, gender, or ethnicity, and its prognosis varies depending on various factors. While it is challenging to provide an exact life expectancy for someone with TM, it is crucial to understand the potential outcomes and long-term effects of the condition.

Clinical Presentation and Course:

The onset of TM is often sudden, with symptoms appearing rapidly or over a few days. These symptoms typically include weakness or paralysis of the limbs, sensory disturbances, pain, and bowel/bladder dysfunction. The severity and extent of these symptoms can vary widely among individuals.

Causes and Risk Factors:

TM can occur as a result of various causes, including viral or bacterial infections, autoimmune disorders, and other inflammatory conditions. In some cases, the cause remains unknown. While TM can affect anyone, certain risk factors may increase the likelihood of developing the condition, such as a history of autoimmune diseases or recent infections.

Treatment and Management:

Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are crucial in managing TM and minimizing potential complications. Treatment typically involves addressing the underlying cause, reducing inflammation, managing symptoms, and providing rehabilitative care. High-dose corticosteroids, plasma exchange, and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy are commonly used interventions.

Prognosis and Life Expectancy:

The prognosis for TM varies significantly depending on several factors, including the extent and severity of the initial attack, the underlying cause, and the individual's response to treatment. While some individuals may experience a complete recovery, others may have residual neurological deficits or experience recurrent episodes of TM.

It is important to note that TM itself is not typically a life-threatening condition. However, complications arising from TM or its underlying causes can impact an individual's overall health and well-being. For instance, respiratory complications, infections, or other medical conditions may arise as a result of TM, which can indirectly affect life expectancy.

Quality of Life and Support:

TM can have a significant impact on an individual's quality of life, particularly if they experience long-term neurological deficits or chronic pain. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and psychological support can play a crucial role in helping individuals manage their symptoms, regain function, and adapt to any limitations.


While it is challenging to provide a specific life expectancy for someone with TM, it is important to focus on managing the condition, addressing underlying causes, and providing comprehensive care. Each individual's experience with TM is unique, and the prognosis can vary widely. Seeking medical attention, following treatment plans, and accessing appropriate support can greatly improve the overall well-being and quality of life for individuals living with TM.

22 answers
No different than normal.

Posted Aug 16, 2022 by Transverse Myelitis Folks Blue Crew
The latest research available that I have personally read is that there is not necessarily a specific length of time given for life expectancy. How long do you have medications combinations of medications can have adverse reactions the risk for infections during procedures and fusions spinal taps all of those things can contribute to the loss of life. In addition to those risk factors era complications with breathing infections related to UTI and bowel perforation excetera I know this year we've had many children who have suddenly died from the disease in my group on Facebook we also had the loss of several adults as well most of them tend to be sudden and unexpected or related to complications for breathing related illness. Also for any of those who walk or continue to persevere to walk the risk for Falls a great I myself have had many Falls and each time you fall you're risking head injury or permanent injury that could cause death contusions and internal bleeding. The majority live nothing short of a tortured life. I refer to myself as being trapped in a torture chamber I cannot control it or change it therefore I have to just accept it and love myself the best that I can each day and take precautions so there are less risk symbols for Falls infections viruses and access to bacterias.

Posted Feb 23, 2017 by Jen 1001
I don't know but there must be some reduction in life expectancy - say 10 / 15 years! In addition having to take over 10,000 a years must take their toll too!

Posted Feb 23, 2017 by Cathy 1000
I am not aware that TM is life limiting and that the life expectancy is reduced in any way.

Recent advances in treatment for MS may have implications for TM sufferers in the future (april2017) so watch this space!

Posted May 17, 2017 by Marella Cairns 1050
People with T.m. do not show a lesser life expectancy than any other person. There are always new treatments that arrise to help stay the symptoms, but no complete reversal of the condition has come yet.

Posted May 17, 2017 by Justin 1152
This is unknown, it depends on your symptoms but you can live a full life.

Posted Jul 24, 2017 by Hagen 2730
it depends on the severity an your age but there is no direct correlation.

Posted Jul 25, 2017 by Mindy 2000
A little shorter than a normal persons life would be. However live a healthy life. Eat good food. Take care of yourself and stay fit even in the wheelchair and you can live longer than would be expected.

Posted Jul 25, 2017 by Conrad 2200
There isnt a life expectancy for someone diagnosed.

Posted Aug 24, 2017 by Elizabeth 1200
Some symptoms of TM cause a lifestyle that can shave years off your life, I'm sure of it. However, it doesn't mean that will be your case. I have lost much of my will to live in such pain. My goal is to improve quality of life for the years that remain. I am not interested in prolonging life. I'm ready to go anytime but don't wish it.

Posted Oct 6, 2017 by Chuck 2000
The life expectancy should not be compromised, unless other contributary factors ate taken into account, such as respiratory failure, or risks associated with falling.

For access to the best scientific progress, join the TMA (Transverse Myelitis Association ) and follow, or attend their annual symposium

Posted Nov 30, 2017 by mikado54mark 3150
The life expectancy of someone with Transverse Myelitis is no different to anyone else. It is not a terminal disease or a progressive debilitating condition such as some MS. In some severe cases where the lesions are at the top end of the spine breathing and swallowing may be an issue. In such cases intense nursing may be needed but these cases are very rare.

Posted Feb 27, 2018 by Gill 1800
There are no limits or differences to a normal life.

Posted Jun 1, 2018 by Clay Garner 2500
I asked my Dr. was there a life threatening incident coming in my future and he said not due to TM.

Posted Jun 1, 2021 by Gary 3550
No different than normal.

Posted Aug 17, 2022 by Kevin Weilacher 3420
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Any person who does not suffer and take care of your health

Posted May 29, 2017 by Adriana E. 2000
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If this disease has a child, the hope is that they have the courage to look to the future without asking too much about what happens, only looking to the front and walk. If he attacks a older man we have to resort to our inner child and live a life like them...

Posted May 29, 2017 by Leandro 2200
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The same as a person without this disease

Posted Aug 8, 2017 by Dani 2000
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Equal to a healthy person

Posted Sep 14, 2017 by Franci 2000
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You can damage most organs depending on the origin or cause of the myelitis. You're in continuous monitoring

Posted Nov 8, 2017 by Lorena 3050
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The same as a healthy person

Posted Nov 12, 2017 by Carlos 500

Transverse myelitis life expectancy

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Stories of Transverse myelitis

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Went to the chiropractor with neck pain and the following morning had dizzy spells. Chiropractor suggested an MRI and when the results came back, he suggested to see a neurologist...I was admitted to the hospital that same evening. Went through every...
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I was 11 years old when I had my onset. I was diagnosed with TM and Guillian Barre Syndrome (GBS). 
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It was a normal day, I was running late to work. I work nights as an RN in the ICU. I ran to the kitchen to shove some speghetti in my mouth before running out the door. All of a sudden my left thigh felt cold and numb. My hubby says oh that happens ...
Transverse myelitis stories
My story begins in 2010 ,my autoimmune system decided to go on vacation.  I got one thing after another.  First interstitial cystitis, then tumors in my uterus, then adenomyosis to start.  All painful and frustrating.  So I ended up with bladder ...
Transverse myelitis stories
2009 my life change forever. I got off work sat down and noticed my left foot felt funny. No big deal. I was on my feet all night. In the morning the pain was up both legs. Day two up to my breast. Went to the ER. Doctor told me I to see a neurologis...

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