Terry's interview

How did all start?

I was 31 years old when my Trigeminal Neuralgia started. I started having the odd zap of pain on the right side of my face. I was at a dentist appointment and told them about the bolts ⚡️ of pain on my right cheek and asked if the could please be careful. After listening to my symptoms the dentist said that he felt that I had Trigeminal Neuralgia. The painful blots, zaps, stabbing pain in my face began to become VERY EXTREME and more frequent. It got so bad that I ended up being admitted to the hospital for the month of December. I was placed on a morphine pump for the duration of my hospital stay. They let me go home, with morphine to help with the pain, the weekend before Christmas. The following Monday I had surgery, Microvascular Decompression. I was discharged on the Saturday, the day before Christmas!

Do you already have a diagnosis? How long did it take you to get it?

Yes I do have a diagnosis. I was extremely fortunate that my dentist realized that the facial pain I had was Trigeminal Neuralgia so my diagnosis was made rather quickly.

Aug 30, 2017

By: Terry

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