Story about Trigeminal Neuralgia .


Dec 2, 2

I was diagnosed in 2007 in my 40s. I had tooth ache, needed one filling which was done but the toorh ache persisted. I was sent to a specialist who diagnosed TMJ but also went to a neurologist. The neurologist confirmed TMJ but said I also had TN.   I was given a list of drugs to take to my local Dr and told to work thru them till I found one that worked.  Pain went from tooth ache to a burning feeling combined with electric shocks. No drug or combination of drugs seemed to work. Three years ago while out walking my dogs a gentle breeze touched my face and I dropped to my knees screaming as massive eletric shocks tore thru my head and skull.   For the next two months I spent  most of my time in tears or screaming in       pain. I saw my Dr, the dentist and a pain clinic, none who helped. I was seen by the origional specialist who diagnosed TMJ and she sent me for an urgent neurology appt. The neurologist diagnosed atypical TN,  took me off all my drugs and put me on long acting tegretol - I had reacted badly to short acting some time before.  I had a MRI which found an artery close to the nerve.  I was sent to a neuro surgeon who said I had Typical TN with some atypical symptoms. He would not do a MVD on me, but offered a Balloon Compression which was carried out in August 2015.  The surgeon had problems getting the balloon to damage the nerve and said surgery wasnt sucessful as I have no facial numbness and only some nerve damage. However my pain levels are minimal, I have stopped my gabapentin and reduced my tegretol dose. No more brain fog! and I function reasonably well.  I will need more surgery, its a case of when, not if the pain returns.

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