Story about Trigeminal Neuralgia .

came all back

Dec 2, 2

I started having problems with a dull toothache that just would not go away in 2006.  In 2007 I was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia  when the dull toothache pain went from a toothache pain to burning on the bottom lip electrical shooting pains in the cheek area and chin area and then spread into the temple area and going behind the ears. I had my surgery of MVD on February 28th of 2008. In May 4th of 2009 it all came back... Hurting much worse than before. I now take tegretol gabapentin valium in Cymbalta four times a day everyday. tegretol and gabapentin are at the highest dosage. Still I suffer some days are tolerable every other days are worse than ever and if I get my meds I start to go through withdrawals stuttering. My cognitive is off, and I went from being a social service case manager to now having a hard time spelling and getting words out but I'm trying to say this has totally taken over my life but I am still fighting and I will continue to fight for my children and grandchildren

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