What are the best treatments for Truncus Arteriosus?

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Truncus Arteriosus treatments

Treatments for Truncus Arteriosus

Truncus arteriosus is a rare congenital heart defect where a single large blood vessel, known as the truncus arteriosus, arises from the heart instead of the normal two separate vessels (the aorta and pulmonary artery). This condition requires prompt medical attention and treatment to ensure the best possible outcome for the affected individual.

Surgical Repair:

The primary treatment for truncus arteriosus is surgical repair, which typically occurs within the first few months of life. The goal of surgery is to separate the truncus arteriosus into two distinct vessels, the aorta, and the pulmonary artery. This involves creating a connection between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery, as well as closing the hole in the ventricular septum.

During the procedure, a synthetic conduit or tube is often used to replace the missing pulmonary artery. This conduit allows blood to flow from the right ventricle to the lungs, ensuring proper oxygenation. In some cases, a second surgery may be required as the child grows to replace the conduit with a larger one.


Before surgery, medications may be prescribed to manage symptoms and improve the baby's overall condition. Diuretics may be used to reduce fluid buildup and ease the workload on the heart. Medications to help the heart pump more effectively, such as inotropic agents, may also be given. Additionally, antibiotics may be administered to prevent infection before and after surgery.

Regular Follow-up Care:

After surgical repair, regular follow-up care is crucial to monitor the child's progress and ensure their heart is functioning properly. This may involve regular check-ups, echocardiograms, and other diagnostic tests to assess the heart's structure and function. The healthcare team will also provide guidance on managing any potential complications or long-term effects of the condition.

Lifestyle Modifications:

While there are no specific lifestyle modifications for truncus arteriosus, it is important for individuals with this condition to lead a healthy lifestyle. This includes maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular physical activity as recommended by their healthcare provider, and avoiding smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke.

Emotional Support:

Living with a congenital heart defect can be challenging for both the affected individual and their family. It is essential to provide emotional support and resources to cope with the physical and emotional aspects of the condition. Support groups, counseling services, and educational materials can help individuals and families navigate the journey of living with truncus arteriosus.


Truncus arteriosus requires timely surgical intervention to correct the structural abnormalities in the heart. Surgical repair, along with appropriate medications and regular follow-up care, can significantly improve the prognosis for individuals with this condition. By providing comprehensive treatment and support, individuals with truncus arteriosus can lead fulfilling lives and manage their condition effectively.

4 answers
Open Heart Surgery repair with conduit and close VSD

Posted May 20, 2017 by Cassie 400
A surgery, so soon as possible

Posted Sep 29, 2017 by Michella 400
Surgery, interventional radiology procedures, medication. For later issues with arrythmia you might need an ICD or a pacemaker.

Posted Mar 8, 2018 by Kadahl 400

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APRIL 27TH 2017 my son jacob was born in mitchell sd. Within hours of his birth he was flown to sioux falls sd after discovering his heart condition. The very next day he was flown to Omaha children's hospital, in route to the hospital his intestines...
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It's my nearly 10yrs old that has ta1 so far has had 3 ohs, 1st one at 15 days old last 2 she was 5yrs old had to do 3rd after 2nd repair didn't go to well and resulted in tilly now having constant migraines head and tummy also croup. She's on meds f...
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I'm 26 and was born with the condition. I have had two surgeries and a procedure to have a stent put in, a ventricle cleared out, and a melody valve.
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My nephew Kai was diagnosed 3 weeks after birth. My sister, Tanja, took him to his pediatrition after she noticed he was sleeping most of the time and gained little to no weight as he mostly fell asleep during feeds. He was diagnosed almost immed...
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Truncus Arteriosus type II, 1979 vintage, born and bred in Chile. Had my 1st open-heart surgery in 1981 in San Francisco (USA) and the 2nd one in 1991, in Boston (USA). Might have the 3rd one towards the end of this year (2018) but the jury's sti...

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