How do I know if I have Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome?

What signs or symptoms may make you suspect you may have Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome. People who have experience in Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome offer advice of what things may make you suspicious and which doctor you should go to to receive treatment

Do I have Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome?

Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) is a rare condition that can occur in identical twin pregnancies where the twins share a placenta. It is important to note that only a healthcare professional can provide an accurate diagnosis, so if you suspect you may have TTTS, it is crucial to consult with your doctor or obstetrician.

There are several signs and symptoms that may indicate the presence of TTTS:

  1. Size Discrepancy: One twin may appear significantly larger than the other. This occurs due to an unequal distribution of blood flow between the twins.

  2. Excessive Amniotic Fluid: The recipient twin, who receives more blood, may have an excess of amniotic fluid surrounding them. This condition is known as polyhydramnios.

  3. Decreased Amniotic Fluid: The donor twin, who receives less blood, may have a reduced amount of amniotic fluid surrounding them. This condition is known as oligohydramnios.

  4. Visible Blood Vessels: In some cases, the blood vessels on the surface of the placenta may be visible through the amniotic sac.

  5. Rapid Weight Gain: The recipient twin may experience rapid weight gain due to the excess blood flow they receive.

  6. Heartbeat Irregularities: Abnormalities in the heart rate of one or both twins may be detected during routine prenatal check-ups.

  7. Preterm Labor: TTTS can increase the risk of preterm labor, so if you experience contractions or other signs of early labor, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.

If you notice any of these signs or symptoms, it is crucial to contact your healthcare provider promptly. They will be able to evaluate your condition through a series of diagnostic tests, such as ultrasounds, Doppler flow studies, or amniocentesis. These tests can help determine the presence and severity of TTTS.

Remember, only a healthcare professional can provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate medical guidance. If you suspect you may have TTTS or have any concerns about your pregnancy, it is always best to consult with your doctor.

2 answers
If you are pregnant with twins ( Identical), Mono-Mono or Mono-Di, you are potentially a candidate for TTTS. I would highly recommend at least one visit to an M.F.M ( maternal fetal medicine ) Specialist. They are generally highly trained in high-risk pregnancies and can make a diagnosis early. Don't wait for the 20-week ultrasound. This needs to be done early in gestation. (14-19 weeks )

Posted Sep 27, 2017 by bgardiner 2050

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