Question - Visual Snow


Visual Snow and 30 Symptoms Gone

Asked 7 years ago Lewis 49

Hello my friends. 


Wow, what an intense few years.


6 years ago I was crippled by massive amounts of health conditions. I counted over 30 symptoms.


candida / chronic yeast infections

chronic ear infection




disconnected from reality

feeling of living inside a bubbl

Visual Snow

Teeth Aching

Involentry hand movements

Tingling Skin

Electrohypersensitivity (EMF problems)



Toe Fungus

Allergies (hayfever)

Inability to sweat in the sun

bad breath



Dry Skin

Hair Loss

Bleeding Gums

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (extreme)


Brain Fog


Light Flashes in periferal

A buzzing sensation throughout the body

A heavy dullness at the bottom of the brain

heart palpitations

dark eye bags


prolonged afterimages

trailing images

tight muscles


Over 6 years I healed them using something called a Nutritional Balancing program. Here are two videos talking about my personal journey which will give you more info than what I can write. 

Our healing journey (this was made two years ago, even healthier now)


Part 1 - Burnout, Visual Snow and Accutane - this is quite old too but still informative.


My visual snow has gone. I do have a theory behind it and I believe copper to have played a huge roll in my healing.


Please watch this video I made on Visual Snow


So far with the people I help in ALL CASES, we have discovered copper toxicity


All about copper imabalance


And in ALL CASES, some degree of Adrenal Burnout!!!


Apologies I have sent videos and not text but I feel i can get across better through video. 


I'd love to help and spread the word about this as much as possible and I need your help!!





2 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

Hi Lewis

Have you joined the Visual Snow facebook page. This has of 6000 people on it, plus 1000's on other VS pages. Please post your story to that page as this may help. Also, in regards to the VS. Did you find it came on suddlenly all progressively? Most people like to know how it came about. For myself, Sudden.



Answered 7 years ago Jayden 1410

it came sudden 7 years ago.

Answered 7 years ago Julie 10
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