Story about Visual Snow .

Visual snow

Jun 21, 2017

By: Nick

I was prescribed adderall.. I was taking the max dosage, one month I lost my pill bottle and went a month without it, didn't have any withdrawals though oddly enough.. After I got my next script.. I took one, and about 8 hours later I started to feel very weird, my vision was distorted and it just felt like being in a dream, it was very scary for me but I was working full time so I didn't freak out.. I stopped taking my meds for 3 days until my symptom started left, my doctor said to only take half of my daily dose.. so I did with the same effect.. I tried one more time and felt fine until I had a panic attack, it felt like my brain had some sort of water running over it, I thought I was dying or something and freaked out, calmed down a bit.. and fell asleep.. I awoke to my walls flickering.. I immediately got up and ran into the living room and noticed that the walls were flickering in there too.. everything I loooked at looked grainy.. I also realized that my ears were ringing, which was odd.. I wanted to drive around to calm down and listen to music.. when I walked outside, I looked at the sky and saw all these dots moving around, and I could see eye floaters galore.. I could see thousands of dots that looked so far away, just falling like snow.. it was scary.. so I started driving just to notice how whenever a person pushes on their brakes.. their brake light was then burnt into my vision for a while.. lights had halos.. trees looked to have whiteish halos around them as well, it's a little hard to explain.. the anxiety kept getting worse and worse.. along with my visual symptoms.. and no matter how loud I'd make my music, the ringing would get louder, it never goes away.. none of this ever goes away, I've been dealing with this for 4 months now, and I do feel a lot better.. but my symptoms are just as bad.. I've just learned how to stop my panic attacks.. the anxiety is still constant.

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