What is Vocal Cord Hemorrhage

Vocal Cord Hemorrhage description. Find out what Vocal Cord Hemorrhage is and know more about it.

What is Vocal Cord Hemorrhage

Vocal Cord Hemorrhage:

Vocal cord hemorrhage is a condition characterized by bleeding into the vocal cords, which are delicate tissues responsible for producing sound during speech. It occurs when blood vessels within the vocal cords rupture or burst, leading to the accumulation of blood. This condition can cause sudden and severe hoarseness or loss of voice, making it difficult to speak or sing.


The most common cause of vocal cord hemorrhage is vocal trauma, often resulting from excessive or forceful use of the voice. This can occur in individuals who strain their vocal cords while shouting, singing loudly, or speaking for extended periods without proper vocal rest. Other potential causes include vocal cord polyps, vocal cord nodules, or certain medical conditions that affect blood clotting.

Symptoms and Treatment:

The main symptom of vocal cord hemorrhage is a sudden change in voice quality, accompanied by pain or discomfort in the throat. It is crucial to seek medical attention promptly to prevent further damage to the vocal cords. Treatment typically involves vocal rest, voice therapy, and sometimes surgical intervention, depending on the severity of the hemorrhage.

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