Story about Wallenberg Syndrome .

Will there ever be any help

Mar 10, 2019

By: Tina593

Year Condition Began: 2018

On the 22 July 2018.....nice hot summers day. Been out in the garden in the
morning,was getting dinner ready,sat down eating, had a giant wave of heat
come up from my feet to my head and then a sharp pain come from the back
of my head,over my head and settle on my left eye.

Thought I had abit of heat stroke so got Baz to soak a tea towel in cold water
which I put over my head and eye,after 20 minutes the pain went away,carried
on with dinner but felt totally wiped out so went to bed took 2 paracetamols laid down in bed
(this was about 2.25pm)and about 10 min later started choking.I got up and said to baz we
better go to hospital cos thought I was having a allergic reaction not being able to swallow
(not even saliva)We got in the car got to hospital 3.10pm was standing in reception and my right arm
started to tingle,told her we went and sat down.Was sat there for about 15minutes.

Got called in and done the obs,one doctor seemed to think it was a stroke another said it was a
migraine,still couldnt swallow,anyway sent me for ct and came back inconclusive.Sat on the bed with
a spit bowl in the corridor then until 11.30pm when was discharged with a migrain,still unable to
swallow and with a tingling right arm.

Got home obviously still not swallowing!,just laid on sofa anyway must of fell asleep only for about
20 minutes,woke up 6am,went to get up off sofa and my right leg,infact the whole right side
(like a line down my body)felt really weird heavy,numb not right at all,I said to Baz we better go back
to hospital,I went to wash up a couple of cups and the weirdest feeling was the water felt cold infact it
was hot,and I had this feeling all down my right side,anything hot felt cold on my right,and anything
cold felt hot too.

Its the 23rd July by now and got to the hospital about 7am after phoning them and say I was discharged
7hrs ago and symptoms had got worse,they said come straight up.

Got there and was having alot of problems walking (balance and limp) they sent me straight through to
A&E in that time from coming from home my right eye had dropped,doctor took one look at me and said
it was 'Horners Syndrome' and that I would be admitted (still cant swallow) got to the ward etc had mri
and 2 days later they said the type of stroke was called 'wallenbergs syndome'.As this affects the
brainstem,which then controls many aspects of our bodies.

But to this day 9th March,Im still in pain,tingling,shooting,zapping mainly in my right arm and leg.
Cant walk far as electric shocks through right foot through leg.Right arm/leg weakness.Hot and cold
thing still going on but not as bad,Swallowing improved after forcing food down after 5 days as didnt
want a feeding tube.
Horners went away after 7 weeks.Sweating uncontrollably at times.And as you can
guess winter has felt like summer to me as cant control my temperature.

They never found where the blood clot had come from either.

Just wish a doctor or anyone can give me some answers and perhaps a better medication as the
many pills im on are just helping to dull the symptoms I have left.And not a clue if this will EVER go

I get the feeling Ive been abandoned by the stroke team,consultant and my last GP as they dont know what they are dealing with.

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