Story about Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome , Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome.

baby girl

Aug 28, 2021

By: Amr

Hello all ,

wish u all great day ..

In August 2020 my beautiful baby girl Mariam was borne .. we & doctors surprised that baby look strange than other babies ,, they made the required test and we found that Mariam has this rear syndrome Wolf Hirschhorn

very rare information on internet also medical care helpless to give support .

Thanks god my baby is one year now and she is okay but still cant move easily cant set .

i think there is lot of techniques i have to learn to improve Mariam life

pls if u have any information or experience in such case pls share with me and let me know

Thank you all of your time

im glade im her

Mraiam say hi to all of you ;-)

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