Story about XYY Syndrome .

Family is important

Dec 1, 2019

Year Condition Began: 2002

My parents wanted me very badly and did in vitro fertilization to have me. I started getting speech help when I was 1 year old. Otherwise, I developed typically. I started struggling socially around 3 years old where anything that was stressful, I would go and hide under tables to cope. Eventually my family helped me through that and I started preschool and kindergarten. Struggled with spelling in 2nd grade and school basically became harder and harder. Around 5th grade my mom got an IEP for me once they added the 47XYY as a diagnosis (instead of ADHD).

Ended up going to a charter school where socially it was wonderful and I thrived emotionally but academically it was still so difficult even with the IEP accommodations. I had a lot of Executive Function issues and prioritizing and just trying to get things done was hard. Eventually I chose to repeat 8th grade to help me socially as it seems I was more connected to the younger kids since they did looping at the school.

The school did their best but then I still struggled with school so much that my parents did a neuropsych evaluation which showed that I was really bright but just needed to be presented with information differently. I struggle with pulling up words or thoughts to write but I KNOW the information. I just needed supports to help. The charter school just couldn't give that level of support so I went back to the public school and repeated 9th grade so that I could start HS fresh. It was wonderful as they had me in class sizes 6-8 students and lots of teacher support. I finally was socially where I needed to be as well and now I was finally happy at school and actually learning. My frustrations were minimized.

Throughout all of this I was in Boy Scouts which I was really happy about. They did lots of trips and activities and overnight adventures. My Mom became a leader and helped the troop too. I'm on my way to becoming Eagle which I am really proud about. I also am on a swim club since muscle wise, I have weak strength and this has helped me. I also find it very therapeutic to be in the water-it's like meditating and very calming. I have delayed learning to drive until I am ready. I don't feel the need for it just yet.

My family has been my strength and supported me and I've always felt loved and cared for-even when I was struggling. They always do their best to help me.
Story about XYY Syndrome

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