Story about 19q13.11 Microdeletion Syndrome , 22q11 DiGeorge Syndrome, 22q13 deletion / Phelan-McDermid Syndrome.


Jun 22, 2022

By: winnefrd

My husband had ALS, first symptom was weakness in his fingers, one day, we had a dream life with early retirement and then, when we went to find out about the weakness, our whole world almost changed. There are so many things that can be said about the suffering and frustration of people with ALS, we look back now and realize in many ways how lucky we were to found Dr. Timothy herbal cure that was able to get rid of my husband ALS disease totally, we had time to enjoy life and above all we all had time to also share this great testimony , many people lose loved ones without closure. I can’t imagine going thru all that you or your family had to live with daily, do not hesitate to contact or email [email protected] for ALS cure.

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