My inhalers
Being made redundant from the job that was causing chest problems
paleo diet
Understanding & using ambulatory oxygen.
My Family
Taking medical leave from work, has helped keep me healthy
Antiinflammatory foods
trying tobget some level of exercise everyday. yes walking counts.
Exercise, Exercise, Exercise!
Supplemental oxygen
Beber alcohol moderadamente
Great friends
Wear a mask outdoors and avoid smoke and chemicals
A good support system: wonderful husband, daughter, family, and friends.
It's not a death sentence
My family
I have a good support network
Alpha-1 Support Groups Globally
Taking my meds consistently, daily helped me to have some control over my health issues.
Trying to avoid high stress, not easy.
Alpha-1 uk support groyo
My family, spending time with my grand daughter, second one due feb. 27th 2016
friends and family
Healthy diet
Participating in advocacy work
cleaner environment
Family support
Doctors who understand
Positive mental attitude.
Leigh is now under adult services locally and currently doing well
lung course at Royal Brisbane Hospital
A great husband of 35 years
Prolastin C
I am learning readjust my expectations on where I am now to where I want to be.
Losing weight
I try to do one thing every day, like build a shelf, clean a corner, make a piece of jewelry, or do some sewing.
Getting a better understanding of the illness
Being lucky enough to spend time in Crete breathing clean, warm,dry air and eating a healthy diet
Eating a healthy diet, having an ideal healthy weight, and exercising daily.
knowing what triggers symptoms
knowing what triggers symptoms
Excercise 3 times a week!
Dr Layish in Winter Park, FL diagnosed me and probably saved my life
Losing weight
My sister giving me the push to try for a transplant