Story about Hereditary Angioedema .

Hannah's story

Dec 2, 2

I have been having severe abdominal swells since i was 3 years old and mild throat swells and hands and feet swells i was called crazy all my life untill 2014 when i found a great team of doctors and was diagnosed with HAE and EDS and a few other things i have had to quit working but with cinrzye and ruconest and staying home i have some quality of life back( i still swell weekly but not as bad and am in the hosiptal less) and now want to make it my mission to educate others and help others.

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1 comment

I'm glad you want to help and educate others. I'm new to the HAE world. Just got diagnosed a month or so ago, however I've been having symptoms since 2008. I'm on Firazyr and am so greatful there is something (even know its a shot ;) )

Commented 8 years ago Katie 65

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