Story about Anxiety .

A Anxiety story

May 24, 2016

I was jaundiced as a baby. My parents smoked, I was around second hand smoke and smoked myself for 20 years on top of working in a bar with second smoke up until about 11 years ago. I started urinating bright orange after 4.5 years of mystery illnesses. ( Sweets syndrome diagnosis in 2012, Rheumatoid Arthritis,  which was actually a Sweets flare, brain fog, anxiety, menopause for 9vmonths at 39, hot flashes,  cold flashes, heart palpitations. Went to the ER 3 times in 3 years to be diagnosed as anxiety. Saw a psychologist that tested me for ADHD, anxiety, and bi-polar. Came back just anxiety. At this time had MAJOR brainfog almost like my brain couldnt process information. My processing speed of information was in the 98th% with the brain fog??? Then came the Gilbert's syndrome diagnosis from Loyola University in Chicago about 1 month ago. I've been normal as far as the Sweets syndrome lesions, joint pain, menopause gone, off all depresdion and sleep meds. Now on a low dose benzo that makes me feel great. I suspect that I have POTS syndrome as well. Always feel rapid heart rate, pounding outta my chest when I stand, dizziness, almost pass out sometimes. My vision gets dark from the outside edge in, then it'll recover quickly. I don't drink, stay hydrated and need more information on Gilbert's. According to some of the Facebook support pages, many people with Gilbert's are suffering, but I don't feel that way. Sometimes some fatigue when I'm stressed, but I can exercise without problems. 

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