Can people with Aortic aneurysm work? What kind of work can they perform?

See how people with experience in Aortic aneurysm give their opinion about whether people with Aortic aneurysm can work and what kind of jobs are more appropriated for people with Aortic aneurysm

Aortic aneurysm jobs

Can people with Aortic aneurysm work?

Yes, individuals with an aortic aneurysm can often continue working, depending on the severity of their condition and the type of work they perform. It is important for individuals with an aortic aneurysm to consult with their healthcare provider to determine their specific limitations and capabilities.

An aortic aneurysm is a bulge or swelling in the wall of the aorta, the main blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body. The risk of rupture or dissection of the aneurysm depends on its size, location, and rate of growth. If left untreated, a ruptured aortic aneurysm can be life-threatening.

What kind of work can they perform?

The type of work that individuals with an aortic aneurysm can perform depends on several factors, including the size and location of the aneurysm, the individual's overall health, and the physical demands of their job. In general, individuals with an aortic aneurysm should avoid activities that involve heavy lifting, straining, or prolonged periods of standing.

Desk jobs or sedentary occupations that do not require strenuous physical exertion are often suitable for individuals with an aortic aneurysm. These may include administrative roles, customer service, writing, research, or other similar professions. These types of jobs typically involve minimal physical strain and allow individuals to work in a seated position, reducing the risk of increased blood pressure and stress on the aortic aneurysm.

However, it is important to note that each case is unique, and individuals should consult with their healthcare provider to determine the specific limitations and recommendations for their condition. Some individuals with smaller, stable aneurysms may be able to continue working in physically demanding jobs, while others with larger or rapidly growing aneurysms may need to consider a career change or modifications to their current job responsibilities.


While individuals with an aortic aneurysm can often continue working, it is crucial for them to prioritize their health and follow the guidance of their healthcare provider. By understanding their limitations and making appropriate adjustments, individuals with an aortic aneurysm can maintain a fulfilling and productive work life.

6 answers
It is possible to work, but avoid heavy work and lifting

Posted Jun 9, 2018 by Marilyn Dixon 2500
As long as there is no immediate risk of dissection and you have the tick of approval from your doctor, a person with an Aortic Aneurysm can work, as long as your work is not physically strenuous, especially where heavy lifting is involved.

Posted Feb 7, 2019 by Jack 300
Certain jobs are Too Physically demanding period , Others the stress and strain are very unhealthy for AD peeps I was a active career Firefighter I was retired "officially in 2010" There was NO way I could don 40 lbs of clothing and 50lbs of breathing apparatus and hand tools to just no way Before I did that I had been a dispatcher for a couple years sure your sitting in a room but Unless you have ever picked up a phone had a 32 year old adult woman screaming and Not understandable TO talk her into quieting down enough to begin to save her own infant BY explaining how to do CPR when she is screaming again.. nope I also Had a drivers career BUT i doubt any of you would want me driving some sort of truck when i could keel over any time and with MY PAD/PVD MY feet get numb I try to drive very little .. Being a cashier at some places would be fine but THey Might not allow you there if you cant Pick up items that are too heavy for an AD person.... Working in a Theatre venue as an Usher or cleaner (again you have limits though) a convenience clerk might be ok for some a Book store -Librarian for some if you have a cart

Posted Oct 10, 2019 by Jim 5641
You can work. You may have weight limit restrictions.

Posted Oct 21, 2019 by Kim 3000
You can absolutely work. To stay fit is good for your heart. Depending on qhwre your aneurism is and the size of it your dr will advise you on the leavel of work allowable.

Posted Jan 21, 2020 by Elmarie 4550

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