Story about Aspergillosis , Asthma.

Managing ABPA

Sep 11, 2017

Year Condition Began: 2004

I think I developed ABPA after I emptied a compost maker that was not doing the job. Got a great lungful of dust.

Came back from a trip coughing. Had to work trip to Philippines coming up. My GP thought I had walking pnuemonia and I went with AB's and made it in reasonable comfort. Still coughing and so my wife a nurse sent me back to Dr because a healthy person doesn't get pnuemonia. X rays still not good. He sent me to an lung specialist.

It took several months to diagnose ABPA partly because my lung function when well is above normal and so when i presented ill my lung function was still acceptable. Sputum tests revealed nothing because the attack had passed.

Over the next few years I had several attacks and was hospitalised at least twice - once for blood poisoning related to Klebsiella pnuemoniae and once with fluid around the lungs.

had to change specialist doctors several times over the years and each required time to make their own diagnosis of ABPA. Because of dealy in treatments I now have some degree of bronchiectasis apparently.

Eventually both my GP and the specialist prescribed ABs and prednisone for me to have on had continually especially when I travel so that I start treatment immediately. It is more an art than a science about when I commence treatment. my wife said I always started to late but I was looking for ABPA plugs and filaments beofere starting. I had about 4 - 6 attacks requiring ABs and prednisone per year. The course of treatment we finally settled on was amoxcylllin duoforte and 50mg per had for about a week and quickly tapering over another week if possible - trying to avoid a long taper.

About 18 months ago I saw a program on ABC Catalyst about gut health and the early stages of research into issues like asthma. They mentioned probiotics. I raised with my nutritionist (Weight loss) who I was seeing that week and she said there were no downsides to trying a broad spectrum probiotic twice a week . I have not had an attack requiring prednisone since although I am pretty sure I am still allergic to aspergillus

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1 comment

Your description has some parallels to my experience with ABPA, although mine is related to having childhood and chronic asthma so there is some difference, I also found amoxicillin (same dose as you) was the only antibiotic that was effective and knowing if and when to take it is always problematic. The main aim I have learnt, several lung infections later, is to treat lung infections early before any further bronchiectasis occurs. I am also taking anti fungal medication but I would love to stop. I was surprised none of the lung specialists you saw recommended a broncoscophy. I would like to know which probiotic you take?

Commented 6 years ago Peta 3110

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