Story about Aspergillosis .

Life goes on until the Next Life

Oct 31, 2018

By: mrspin

Year Condition Began: 2000

I went to my doctors twenty years ago aged 45, having never smoked but born into a family of chain smokers. I had extensive tests and they could find nothing so was sent away with a Salbutamol inhaler. This did nothing for me and to cut a long story short, this went on for a long time and I just kept putting up with coughing being out of breath before being hospitalised and eventually they took a biopsy of my lung and diagnosed bronchiectasis.

I was given Ventolin, Spiriva and salbutamol and this seemed to do the trick so life went on. Then it started to get worse after about ten years and had numerous chest infections, over and over again which meant lots of antibiotics over the years, a lot of which stopped working and they had to keep finding new ones.

After a particularly bad time of chest infections which lasted from October to May the next year and numerous antibiotics I was admitted to hospital and given Levofloxacin to take home orally, which appeared to be working until I woke up and found I could not walk. I was the one in so many thousands that had the rare side effect of a ruptured Achilles tendon, so now I could not breathe hardly and could not walk either.

After two separate periods in hospital I was referred to an immunologist and after a long period of time they found that my immune system had failed in the HIB (Haemophilus Influenzas Bacteria) and so this would go on and on and on as my body could not fight off this thing. He found that I was suffering from Apergillosis which is a fungal lung disease caused by spores in the air that most people breathe in and does them no harm.

I am now waiting for NICE to agree funding for monthly plasma blood transfers to replace the immunity that my body is lacking. Seems the antibiotics wiped out my immune system.

I was shocked to see how many people were on the map in this country and looked at Spain where, now I am retired I am seriously thinking of buying a property there for health reasons. I would love to be in communication with anyone in Cardiff and surrounds who have had any similar experiences.
Story about Aspergillosis

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