Story about CHARGE Syndrome .

An Adult with CHARGE Syndrome

Jul 28, 2017

By: Krista

Hello my name is Krista Michelle Staples I was born on December, 3 1978 three months premature with a host of medical problems that specialists could only take care of. I was born with two holes in my heart, my estophagus wasn't attached to my stomach, I have three vertabres missing from my spine that is fused into a ball of bone, I have facial paralysis, blind in my left eye, depth perception in my right eye, I was born deaf, not being able swallow, so I had to be tube fed my entire life, even now at 38 I'm still being tube fed because my estophagus doesn't work properly. I have thin veins, and a high pain tollerence. When I got older I got hearing aids and was able to become very well spoken, I learned so much about the world around me. Independent, strong willed, stubborn, persistant, speaks my mind, intelligent, and capable to do so much more than anyone will ever realize. I got my high school diploma, went to College to get degrees in writing, photography, computers. I got a job as an administrative assistant at Community Living. I lived on my own and paid my own bills. I've travelled quite alot teaching others about me. I've done a lot of speeches at a lot of conferences and was involved in a lot of charities such as the CYO, CHARGE Syndrome, and many others. I would like to become a professional writer one day, and I would like to teach the world more about CHARGE Syndrome.

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