Story about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. , Aplastic Anemia, Fibromyalgia, Hypothyroidism, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

Many diagnoses

Jan 17, 2018

By: Lgal4

Year Condition Began: 2011

I am 45 yo Caucasian woman. Background: I was a young wife & mother. My husband and I went through college together and had 3 kids along the way. They are all adults now. Only one was a minor in high school when I became so ill. Medical background: I had my gallbladder removed in 1997. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia around 2001 by my gp due to multiple visits because of extreme widespread muscle pain. I was dx with IBS and spasms in 2003 by my gastroenterologist during a scope.
I had a low positive ANA by my family doctor. My gynecologist dx me with uterine fibroids around 2008 and had outpatient surgery for those a few times but ultimately had a hysterectomy in 2010.
I worked in education for over 15 years. I earned my masters in 2011 and got a new job as a librarian. That year my fibromyalgia felt like it was worse and I was worn down beyond belief. I had always had low blood pressure, but it began sky rocketing while I was pushing myself to get to work and then through a work day. Some days I don't even remember getting to work or getting home. I basically collapsed at work one day and the nurse had my husband pick me up and take me to the ER. They couldn't find anything after multiple tests and scans, so I started searching for reasons. My wonderful family dr at the time saw I was deteriorating quickly.
She found out in 2012 I had pernicious anemia and I started taking b injections. Then I saw an endocrinologist and he dx me with hypothyroidism with multiple nodules and PCOS. He started treating my thyroid with two meds. I wasn't any better and feeling even worse than before and was mostly bed bound. My family dr put me on FMLA for 6 months. Reluctantly, I resigned my position mid school year because I wasn't improving and didn't know why. It was devastating losing my career.
I finally found a doctor who did many tests and diagnosed me with CFS and peripheral neuropathy. I knew then it was CFS that had changed my life so drastically. She found multiple viruses at high levels and very low ATP/Glutathione. I began taking injections of ATP/Glutathione weekly. My husband found a better job to help with my lost income and so we moved 3 hours away. I have had a few new dx added by my rheumatologist: osteoarthritis and Reynauds. I also see a cardiologist because my heart races, skips and flutters for no explained reason. I'm on bystolic for that now. My rheumatologist is sending me to a neurologist to pinpoint newer symptoms and other issues I may have.
I'm pretty much housebound 90% of the time. I have an electric wheelchair I use to get out in public now. I think I have come to terms with what my life is now like. Sometimes it still gets to me, but I know there is no treatment or cure so I deal moment by moment. now
I have given up my allergy foods, gluten and dairy and try to stay away from sugar. I am only on 3 constant rx meds daily: 2 for thyroid 1 for heart. I take one rx for pain as needed and one for muscle spasms as needed. I have multiple chemical sensitivities so I stay away from a lot of meds, all alcohol, and smells due to side effects.
For relief or to treat naturally: I take many Epsom salt baths, use heating pads, and natural vitamins or supplements. I take vitamin d3 5000 iu daily, Caltrate daily, Magnesium malate when I remember at bedtime, Vit b injection weekly, and am starting Coq10 and complete multi when they arrive at my door. I have joined many fb support groups and have created some on my page for my personal friends and family. I don't want everyone on fb knowing I'm not doing well or hearing me complain. I still can't figure out why I crash or flare sometimes when I pace and rest and don't over do activities. Even after 5 years this dx still makes no sense and doesn't play fair.
Story about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E.

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