Question - Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)


Quality of life

Asked 7 years ago Haim 127
Marked as solved

How is the quality of life with CML in its chronic phase while treated with TKI ?

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The most of patients that are diagnosed in the chronic phase has an excellent quality of life. Some feel some side effects , but still can live normally . I particularly Live the same life that had before diagnosed. My life has not changed. I feel no side effects. I practice sports, Study, work etc... The only thing that CML has changed in my life was the fact that now i'm having to take a drug a day and take an exam every three months . If you are newly diagnosed should do not worry. Your life will be the same . Stay well and good luck!

Answered 7 years ago Bruno Tavares 10

Thanx ! These are very good news. I hope for the same. 

Answered 7 years ago Haim 127

Bruno is correct for the most part.  People react differently with the different types of Chemo.  My first form of Chemo nearly killed me but others love it.  I'm on Tasigna now and have relatively few side effects, such as dry skin, hot flashes but much better than being off of the TKI.  One thing to remeber is to be as active as you can.  The people that I know that have the most issues are the ones that stay inactive, gain weight and are misserable.  Some TKIs can cause heart issues so the more active you are the better quality of life you will experiance.  When I was diagnosed, I could barely walk to the car without feeling like I was going to pass out.  Several months ago I walk 26 miles in one day.

Answered 7 years ago Dwayne 10

Thanks ! 

Question : what was the first form of chemo that gave you such trouble ? I am about to start taking Gleevec.

Another question : How long are you with CML since diagnosed ?

Thanks again for your kind response !


Answered 7 years ago Haim 127
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