My history of colloid cysts

Feb 29, 2016

By: Janet

Hi all. I am always happy to find sites relating to Colloid Cysts, or CC's as I will probably type as it is more convenient. I was born two months early, in 1961. The fact I lived was a miracle in itself back then, however, depending on who you talk to, this may have led to my cyst, or not. Lol, confusing huh? In either case it is thought to develop in the patient as an embryo. I began having migraines in my early 20's and by the time I was 32 had been to the e.r. numerous times for these. Always, they gave me shots for pain and nausea and sent me home. I had given up by then and my last migraine, at that time, I just decided to stay home and "deal with it." My eldest daughter came home from school and found me crawling across the floor to go throw up. She called my parents who came and forced me into the car and off we went again to the hospital. This time the doctor actually looked into my eyes. He said their was so much pressure on my brain that the back of my eyeball was pushed inward. He did an MRI, found the cyst, called the local neurosurgeon who refused to treat me as I did not have insurance. The e.r. doc, then saved my life. He gave me my images and sent me an hour and a half away to a large, university hospital. There I met Dr. George Allen, Head of Neurosurgery there. He told me there were only a handful of surgeons in the country that had done these surgeries at all and he had done two so I was in good hands. I had that cyst out after seven days in the hospital and spent 3 more weeks inpatient from there. I spent a year off work and after therapy and a lot of time lived a very full life for the next 15 years or so. My migraines began again, he had retired and his replacement had moved. There was no one left closer than Johns Hopkins who had done these but the same university hospital assured me that I did not a a "tumor" and my cyst had been removed and treated me like I was drug seeking. I began thinking I had gotten paranoid or something. I lost my marriage, my belief in myself and my job. Finally, I could stand it no longer. My eldest child had been working at the E.r at that local hospital I spoke of earlier. She said there was a new neurosurgeon there who came from the Cleveland clinic and he had done several of these. She told him about me and arranged for me to get an MRI and see him. His name is Dr. Narendra Nathoo and he is at the Medical Center in Bowling Green, KY. The cyst was back, and was there during that hospital visit where I was treated like I was crazy and large enough to have been removed then. He removed it less than two weeks after this visit and I came home 5 days later. I do have memory loss from all the scar tissue which causes me headaches as well. Otherwise, I am so grateful. My head does not feel as though it will explode any longer. Also, he got all of it this time as opposed to the first time. It was entangled in blood vessels back then and they did not have the technology to get it out safely. This time they did and it should never come back again. I am off the antiseizure meds an, as I like to say, I am walking, talking and dressing myself as well as other things I enjoy so I really can not complain. This is my story, do not let it scare you but please let it educate you. We are ultimately responsible for finding the right treatment for ourselves. Educate yourselves, find a doctor with experience with these thing and be proactive. If you need someone to talk with, I am here. Good luck.


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