Story about Colloid cyst .

Ashley's story

Mar 30, 2016

By: Ashley

i was 23 years old when my life was forever changed by my brain surgery. On May 11th 2013 I went into the emgerency room with this dreadful feeling I was going to die and the worst headache of my life. They did a ct scan of my brain and found the cc although they were not able to help me anymore at that particular hospital because this problem is out of their field of experitize. I was sent to saint marys hospital and there they did an MRI and that MRI was the deciding factor on weather or not I needed surgery right then and there or if it could wait. well needless to say they needed to preform emgerency surgery right now. I was immediately sent for surgery for removal and its now been almost 3 years since. It was a long road to recovery and it definitely took me awhile to process afterwards but I feel much better now days. 

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