Story about Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP) .

Well shoot.

May 16, 2016

By: Larissa

When I was 17 I had developed a small bump on my pelvis, thinking nothing of it ignored it, until my long term boyfriend finally convinced me it had gotten bigger and made me go get it checked out,mind you I was now 23. The first dermatologist I saw said it was a cyst and it wasn't anything bad but if it would make me feel better I could have it removed. So I made the appointment to have it removed, a different dermatologist did the operation, after an eyeball sized growth was removed he sent it away to pathology. After waiting for what seemed like ages I get a call on my way to work telling me that I have a very rare cancer. I froze my whole body went cold and I completely went into survival mode. I called my mom in Arabic telling her I had cancer and wasn't sure what was happening.she got it sorted out and I was sent to see the surgeon at MD Anderson. Two weeks later I was having a wide  excisionof my pelvis done. After an hour long surgery I was released and told I'd hear back soon another week later I was told I had clear margins!  

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