What is the history of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity?

When was Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity discovered? What is the story of this discovery? Was it coincidence or not?

History of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) is a condition characterized by a range of non-specific symptoms that individuals attribute to exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). While the concept of EHS has gained attention in recent years, its history can be traced back to the late 20th century.

The term "Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity" was first coined in the early 1980s by Dr. William Rea, an American physician. Dr. Rea observed a group of patients who reported experiencing various symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and dizziness when exposed to electromagnetic radiation. He believed that these symptoms were caused by sensitivity to EMFs emitted by common electronic devices.

During the 1990s, the concept of EHS gained further recognition as more individuals reported similar symptoms. The World Health Organization (WHO) organized a workshop in 1996 to discuss the condition and its potential health effects. The workshop concluded that EHS was a real and disabling condition, but its cause and mechanisms were not yet fully understood.

As the use of technology continued to expand, so did concerns about the potential health effects of EMFs. The rapid proliferation of wireless communication devices, such as mobile phones and Wi-Fi, led to increased public awareness and debate about EHS. Some individuals claimed that they were severely affected by EMFs, leading to significant disruptions in their daily lives.

In response to these concerns, various studies have been conducted to investigate the existence and causes of EHS. However, the scientific community remains divided on the subject. Some studies have reported a correlation between EMF exposure and symptoms experienced by individuals with EHS, while others have found no conclusive evidence to support this link.

One of the key challenges in studying EHS is the lack of a standardized diagnostic criteria. The symptoms reported by individuals with EHS are often non-specific and can be attributed to various other factors. This lack of consistency makes it difficult to conduct rigorous scientific studies and draw definitive conclusions.

In 2005, the WHO published a fact sheet on EHS, acknowledging the condition but stating that there was no scientific basis to link the reported symptoms to EMF exposure. The fact sheet also highlighted the importance of addressing the psychological and social factors that may contribute to the symptoms experienced by individuals with EHS.

Despite the ongoing debate, some countries have recognized EHS as a legitimate medical condition. Sweden, for example, classifies EHS as a functional impairment and provides support and accommodations for affected individuals. Other countries, such as Canada and the United States, have not officially recognized EHS as a medical condition but acknowledge the need for further research.

Today, the prevalence of EHS remains uncertain. Some studies suggest that only a small percentage of the population may be affected, while others estimate higher numbers. The increasing reliance on technology and the growing concern about EMF exposure continue to fuel the debate surrounding EHS.

In conclusion, the history of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity dates back to the 1980s when the term was first coined by Dr. William Rea. Since then, the condition has gained recognition and sparked ongoing scientific and public debate. While some individuals report experiencing symptoms attributed to EMF exposure, the scientific community has yet to reach a consensus on the existence and causes of EHS.

4 answers
Please see http://www.norad4u.com/ehs/ehs-recognition-in-the-world

Posted Jul 19, 2018 by Amir 4220
It has exploded at the same rate as air electricity since the 1990s. As have other endocrine conditions. Now the most common reason for initiating visitng a GP is skin problem related.

Posted Jun 10, 2021 by Plop 2000
It goes back a long way.

Radio Wave Sickness after WWII.

Naval Academy studies in the early 70"s.

Posted Nov 6, 2023 by Kathy 2500

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Stories of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity stories
  My story began in 2002 when I first started getting sick. I already had multiple food allergies/sensitivities I was reacting too at this stage but everything got suddenly worse after a mercury filling fell out and I swallowed it. A few years earl...
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i had to become my own "doctor" researched for years tried different solutions etc. facebook groups helped me realize EHS is for real (i didnt think that at first...) started working locally with politics but realized i could do nothing to get them ...
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Over exposure to the harmful microwave radiation emitted by WiFi, Bluetooth, mobile and cordless phones lead to me becoming ELECTRO HYPERSENSITIVE. In brief, this means I can no longer use or be around these technologies; the effects of such lead me ...
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Bell Canada decided to build a cell tower in our community.  A woman named Melissa Chalmers was handing out letters that raised awareness of the harmful health effects of living nearby to a cell tower  and being exposed to microwaves 24/7. Another...
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Please see a website that my friends and carers set up for me to tell my story: www.trappedandhidden.co.uk

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