Story about Encephalitis .

A Encephalitis story

Feb 13, 2016

Ok so bare with me guys.....last November I got diagnosed with a sinus infection. Well x-apple-data-detectors://0 I went to bed, I had already seen 2 doctors due to my sinus infection, I had been prescribed  corticosteroids and Ciproflaxen and had another appointment set for x-apple-data-detectors://1 

           Anyways went to bed x-apple-data-detectors://2 and don't remember anything until late x-apple-data-detectors://3 Apparently during that time I had fallen very hard at least 4x cracked my face open, and bled all over my bathroom and bedroom, shattered my toilet tank and more. Thank god when I got sick my 16 year neice Tricia was home along with my scared 5 year old to watch me and unfortunately clean up after me. My husband is currently working out of town unfortunately. 
      She ended up taking me to a doctors appointment that I had already set up on Monday the 9th. My Pcp just prescribed me a anti-dizzy and another antibiotic  Bactrim DS. Mind you My neice had to help me walk anywhere because I was unable to walk anywhere without falling down. So apparently the entire time I was talking to my sister who had sent a family member over to check on me and took me to their house x-apple-data-detectors://5. Then my husband came home. 
      My husband Jerico watched me all day Friday and x-apple-data-detectors://7 took me to a emergency room where I guess they did blood work and urine tests and CAT scan. All which showed nothing! They sent me home and just said I had a bad virus. 
       After not remembering the 6th-14th......I sort of came back to my conscious self x-apple-data-detectors://8  I remember sitting on the couch trying to future out who the man was that was taking care of me. I knew he was married and I knew he was important to me but I didn't know who he was.....well after about a half hour I figured out he was Jerico - my husband.
            The next week was intense of just coming back to myself and learning how to drive again and all that good stuff. Trying to explain why I hadn't been to work for the last week or called in or anything. I had lost 20 lbs and couldn't  hear out of my left ear or smell anything!! Plus most of my taste was gone.  I was always very tired. And I was noticing my short term memory was lacking. It was just a weird place to be.  
           So I end up going to my Pcp x-apple-data-detectors://9 and explained all my issues including my legs feeling very cold from my knees down plus my feet were so cold I almost could feel them. The Dr was like Oooooh you had viral encephalitis. Caused from your sinus infection!  He told me my legs were so cold from nerve damage and to just give it time I'd be fine. He told me to do some research for encephalitis online, And that was it. He didn't suggest going to a Neurologist to check for any damage. He prescribed me some corticosteroids to help with any remaining swelling in my head. 
        So I went home and started checking it out. Wellllll I guess I'm lucky that I survived. A family member kept pushing that I get it checked out so I made appointments with a neurologist and ENT. 
        Went to see a neurologist and he ordered blood tests to check for west Nile virus and noro virus and MRI and EEG.  ENT has helped with hearing but doesn't understand why I can't smell or taste. I still have really bad short-term memory I couldn't  remember my phone number one time or just basic things that I would know normally. I have a short temper lately. And it seems like the days after I have my temper tantrums I am depressed because of the way I acted the day prior. I have seen a physiologist for my depression anxiety and aggression issues and have been prescribed 900mg a day of  gabapentin. I'm also taking b-1 b-2 and Rhodiola for memory. 
        Neurologist diagnosed me with west Nile viral encephalitis on December 12. Anyways I'm still very new to my new life and trying to deal with the changes. I guess I'm glad it's not worse than what it is. I know I still have a long road ahead. has helped with a lot of supports and others that have dealt with what I am living with now. 

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