Question - Endometriosis


Dose anyone have pain under their Right Rib Cage?

Asked 8 years ago Amber Davenport 62

Ive had my appenix out & my Gallbladder out but i have pian on the lower right rib cage also have right kidney pain.. Anyone have an ideal of what could cause pain like this?? The pain goes away and comes back. Some times it can last for months on end. ive talked to dr's about it they dont see it as a problem and dont care!!

if u have any ideal what could be casing this weird pain could u link me to websits and info..Thank you!!!

4 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

when you had your gallbladder taken out did it have stones? how long ago did you have it taken out? 

Answered 8 years ago Rebecca 33

Have they ruled out the possibility of endometriosis? I had similar pain last year and it wasn't until my gynaecologist did a laparoscopy on me that they discovered endo all around my uterus, ovaries and right abdominal wall (where the worst pain was)

Answered 8 years ago Melissa 0

Rebecca: I had my Gallbladder taken out almost a year ago. No stones. 

Answered 8 years ago Amber Davenport 62

Melissa: Yes I have Endometriosis. I was diagnosed with Endometriosis 5 years through surgery. They found Endo everywhere. The bladder, ovaries, uterus, intestines, fallopian tubes. 

Answered 8 years ago Amber Davenport 62
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