Story about Eosinophilic esophagitis , Toxoplasmosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E..

My EoE

Apr 14, 2016

Though I was diagnosed in 2012, I am fairly certain that I've had EoE for most of my life; at least since I was 10 (2001). I've always had to drink something while eating to facilitate swallowing, and have had chronic fatigue at least since high school (which I've only recently learned may be connected), but other symptoms have manifested more recently, the worst being prolonged food impaction (up to 45 minutes, so far) and chest pain. From what I understand, I have a fairly mild case of it, as I've not yet had to have my esophagus dilated, can eat solid food, and don't spend much time in the hospital. One thing that does complicate it a bit, though, is that I don't have any identifiable food allergies and neither the steroid (Flovent) nor proton-pump inhibitor (Tecta) has worked for me. This means that I can't yet eliminate my trigger from my life, which I'm interpreting as it possibly getting worse in the future (the signs seem to be pointing in that direction). The variables that have helped? Soylent, great friends, a warm doctor, and a fantastic online group of other people with EoE and other Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders.

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