Historia sobre Síndrome de Binder .

Binder Syndrome


Por: Sarai

Año de diagnóstico: 2018

Hi, I’m a 40 yrs old Latin woman, married,3 kids.
Since I was a little child I knew I was different from other girls at school, I was bullied for my physical appearance, my nose was always what kids highlighted and my prominent lower jaw bone , as I grew up I looked for ways to improve ..(makeup) when I turned to 40 , I decided to change this , went to the doctor for a nose job consultation, but instead walked out his office with this diagnosis BINDER SYNDROME, at that very moment many things made sense, I had so many questions in my mind, 6 months have passed by, and in two more weeks I’ll get my nose job, have been wearing braces since August 2017, hopefully it’ll help somehow. Since then , I’ve been desperately looking for a group to join to, I’d like to read from everyone with this same condition, please feel free to contact me or if you have a friend or relative , I’d love to keep in touch with you! Blessings and hugs!
Historia sobre Síndrome de Binder

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