Historia sobre Enfermedad de Lyme , Raquitismo.

Lyme y co's


Por: José

Año de diagnóstico: 2018

In August 2018, I began to feel ill, like a very strong flu but without fever, headache, extreme fatigue, joint-muscle pain and much more.
I went to many doctors and they did not find what they had, they said it was functional asthenia.
7 months later a doctor specializing in infectious diseases (Dr. Ana María Arnáiz García) gave me the most correct tests and diagnosed me with Rickettsia Conorii, Helycobacter Pylori, EBV and CMV.
She gave me a month of doxycycline and some supplementation.
I improved very little, I continued to find myself fatal.
In November 2020 I did Arminlabs and I also got Borrelia Burgdorferi and very low CD57 + NKCells (immunosuppression)
I also started with Dr. Rigau (immunologist) and with diet, detoxification (infrared sauna, Epsom salts baths), I increased the supplementation etc.
As of today, December 2021, I have managed to make Borrelia and Rickettsia negative, lower the viral load of EBV and CMV but I still have immunosuppression, I am better but I still have a lot of fatigue and muscle and joint pain, mainly.
Historia sobre Enfermedad de Lyme

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