Which are the causes of Factor V Leiden?

See some of the causes of Factor V Leiden according to people who have experience in Factor V Leiden

Factor V Leiden causes

Factor V Leiden is a genetic disorder that affects the clotting process in the body. It is named after the city of Leiden in the Netherlands, where it was first identified. This condition is caused by a mutation in the gene that produces a protein called factor V, which is involved in the clotting cascade.

The most common cause of Factor V Leiden is an inherited mutation in the F5 gene. This gene provides instructions for making the factor V protein, which is essential for the normal clotting of blood. In individuals with Factor V Leiden, a single nucleotide change in the F5 gene leads to the production of an abnormal form of factor V known as factor V Leiden.

Genetic Mutation: The mutation responsible for Factor V Leiden is a single nucleotide substitution in the F5 gene. This mutation replaces the nucleotide guanine (G) with adenine (A) at position 1691. As a result, the amino acid arginine is replaced by glutamine at position 506 in the factor V protein. This alteration makes factor V resistant to degradation by activated protein C, a natural anticoagulant in the body. The mutated factor V Leiden protein remains active for a longer duration, leading to an increased risk of abnormal blood clot formation.

Inheritance: Factor V Leiden is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, which means that a person only needs to inherit one copy of the mutated gene from either parent to develop the disorder. If one parent has Factor V Leiden, there is a 50% chance of passing the mutation on to each child. However, not all individuals with the mutation will develop abnormal blood clots, as other factors such as lifestyle, environment, and additional genetic variations can influence the risk.

Prevalence: Factor V Leiden is the most common inherited clotting disorder in the general population, particularly among individuals of European descent. It is estimated that about 5% of Caucasians in the United States carry one copy of the Factor V Leiden mutation. The prevalence is lower in other populations, such as African Americans and Asians.

Risk Factors: While the primary cause of Factor V Leiden is the genetic mutation, several risk factors can increase the likelihood of developing abnormal blood clots in individuals with the mutation. These risk factors include:

  • Oral Contraceptives and Hormone Replacement Therapy: The use of estrogen-containing medications, such as birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy, can increase the risk of blood clots in individuals with Factor V Leiden.

  • Pregnancy: Pregnancy itself is a risk factor for blood clots, and the presence of Factor V Leiden further increases the risk. Pregnant women with the mutation may require special monitoring and preventive measures to reduce the risk of complications.

  • Smoking: Smoking is a known risk factor for blood clots, and it can further increase the risk in individuals with Factor V Leiden.

  • Obesity: Obesity is associated with an increased risk of blood clots, and it can exacerbate the risk in individuals with Factor V Leiden.

  • Immobilization: Prolonged periods of immobility, such as during long flights or bed rest, can increase the risk of blood clots in individuals with Factor V Leiden.

  • Surgery and Trauma: Major surgeries or traumatic injuries can disrupt the normal blood flow and increase the risk of clot formation, particularly in individuals with Factor V Leiden.

Conclusion: Factor V Leiden is primarily caused by a genetic mutation in the F5 gene, resulting in the production of an abnormal form of factor V. This mutation is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern and is more prevalent in individuals of European descent. While the mutation itself increases the risk of abnormal blood clot formation, certain risk factors such as hormonal medications, pregnancy, smoking, obesity, immobilization, surgery, and trauma can further increase the likelihood of clotting events. It is important for individuals with Factor V Leiden to be aware of these risk factors and take appropriate preventive measures to reduce the risk of complications.

6 answers

Posted May 4, 2017 by Jennifer 1000
This is a genetic condition. You have done nothing to cause it.

Posted May 4, 2017 by Dawn B 1000
Genetics are a factor in the mutation. It can also be acquired m from underlying health issues such as autoimmune reactions, even medication can cause it.

Posted May 11, 2017 by Stacy 2650
Genetics! This a genetic mutation passed down from a biological parent.

Posted May 16, 2017 by Rachael 1000
Factor V Leiden is a blood clotting disorder. It is not a disease. Factor V is a protein that is needed for blood to clot properly. Some people do not have the normal Factor V protein. Instead, they have an different form called Factor V Leiden. This is caused by a change (mutation) in the gene for this protein.

The different gene that makes the Factor V Leiden protein is inherited from one or both parents. The Factor V Leiden protein is harder to “turn off” than the normal Factor V protein. This makes blood clots more likely to form, a condition called thrombophilia.

If you have Factor V Leiden, you have a greater chance of developing blood clots. Blood clots in the deep veins in your legs (called deep vein thrombosis or DVT) or in your lungs (called pulmonary embolus or PE) can be dangerous.

Posted Dec 28, 2017 by Barbara 4050

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Stories of Factor V Leiden

Factor V Leiden stories
I was diagnosed in 2001 after a series of TIA's and a smart neurologist who suspected there was something more to be investigated since I had a history of DVT's and my mother's family has had numerous blood clots.  Since then I was also diagnosed w...
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My name is MARTIN R. LEMIEUX, and for over 20 years now I’ve survived five DVTS – BLOOD CLOTS in my left leg, one clot in my right leg, and another clot in my left pelvic area. As if that wasn’t enough, I’ve also had to manage three massive c...
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In 2010 I was pregnant with my son. Late in my pregnancy I started having horrible swelling in my legs. They were hot, red, and huge. I was placed on maternity leave and put on bed rest. My son was born healthy, but I hemorraged and was given a clot...
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In the spring of 2010, I was working and felt that it was a little difficult to bend my right knee / walk - I felt very little swelling / heat so I thought little of it, especially in light of a prior history of having knee problems in that same leg....

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