Question - Guillain-Barre Syndrome


Recurrent GBS

Asked 4 years ago Elizabeth 99

Has anyone else had recurrent GBS? According to minimal research available, it is more prevalent in younger patients. That would be consistent with my history of being diagnosed at 7 years old and again at 11 years old.

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no, but I met someone who had it at the age of three and then at the age of 16

Answered 4 years ago Michael Ring 40

No, I only have had it once do far. I was 63 years old. 

I was told at the time that recurrence was unlikely unless I overextended myself. My PT told me an anecdote about a GBS patient who had a recurrence after over-exercising for several months.

Answered 4 years ago Judi 869

Not yet thankfully. I was diagnosed in 2016 (age 39). But my immune system hasn't really been tested that I know of since then. Some doctors say chances of getting it twice is even smaller than getting it the first time, others say the oposite. Truth is, they probably have no idea. It is something I obviously fear however.

Answered 4 years ago Rene 315

no. L'ho avuta a 65 anni e mi sono ripreso al 40%.


Answered 4 years ago TOMMASO FRANCESCHINI 10

I have only had it once, and I have since I had it in 2000 done several marathons, triathlons and cycled in many countries + here is a cycling trip I did in 2018 GBS has not comeback. I still have tingles in my toes, that never gone away. I'm 63 now and this is my GBS story I hope it inspires.

Answered 4 years ago Totta 1181

Do you know much about CIDP? I was initially diagnosed with GBS and then later with CIDP. I'm not as concerned with the diagnosis as I am with symptoms and treatment. Stay healthy and live your best life, that's what I say. I got tapered off of IVIG and I am in remission now. I have today. Much aloha to you all.

Answered 4 years ago SurfNYC 2681

In my support group, we are all older adults. So I would not think so.

Answered 4 years ago John 31

Ok, this is just my opinion from what I see and hear from alot online who have or had GBS and or CIDP. I really don't think Drs know enough yet. They make guesses but like most patients will tell you it's different for almost everyone. I find I have alot in common with so many but noone going through exactly what I am, same for so, so many other's too. I would not judge your recovery or symptoms on someone else's. You will go at your own pace and heal in your own time. You will have symptoms noone else does. I was older when I got GBS and within 2 years I had 2 relapses but thankfully my neurologist really took good care of me and fast. I'm disabled from my bout with it, like so many other's I seem to aquire new health issues constantly. Now there's a chance I have CIPD. I've had Mini Strokes recently and didn't know it. Don't base your recovery or anything on anyone else's, keep a positive attitude , surround yourself with more positive people as much as possibl God bless you

Answered 4 years ago Sandra 1060
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