Story about Guillain-Barre Syndrome .

A Guillain-Barre Syndrome story

Dec 2, 2

I believe my GBS started because of my gastric bypass surgery on 8/29/13.  I started symptoms in the second week of October.  My thoughts were fuzzy but on 10/23 I had a migraine.  It lasted 3 days but I went back to work.  I tried to login to my computer but I couldn't remember any information.  I couldn't even remember how I got to work.  I went home and by the time my husband arrived my leg were rubbery.  He took me to the ER Because I was getting shooting pain down both legs but they didn't take tests and gave me a pain blocker then sent me home.   That night I started using crutches to keep me on my feet.  I couldn't walk without them.  My husband, through a lot of pushing and begging, finally got me to agree to try a different hospital (thank God!).  The amazing thing is that hospital L&M in New London, CT knew my symptoms and scted quickly.  I am convinced if they sent me home I would be dead.  Within hours I was in ICU and paralyzed from my nose to my toes.  I spent a month in the hospital and have since been diagnosed with PTSD which I didn't even know was possible.  I start to overthink ever pain, ache, numbness, flu to the point of worrying that my GBS is returning.  We are moving soon to a warmer climate because I have found cold weather causes me more pain and limits my exercise.  There are so few of us we have to fight together

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