Story about Haemophilia .

Living with being one of the rarest Severe type A hemophiliacs in the world.

Jan 22, 2016

I was born in 1973 and nearly died when I was circumcised. I survived barely but Dr were Baffled that all the known factors at the time to treat hemophilia would not work on me?? I have a rare mutation which basically works like this. A normal hemophiliac can take factor 8 and have good results, but me I was born with antibodies inside me that destroy all types of medicines. Most people have to be exposed and become immune to factor if they use it a lot the body develops ways to fight it off or render factor useless... Well I had antibodies inside from birth and they destroy everything, common colds I rarely get sick and I was exposed to hepatitis C in the hospital and these same antibodies inside actually Killed the hepatitis. I've been studied poked and prodded and Dr just can't explain what my body does and why it does it. I look at it like God blessed me and even though I suffer daily and have had a hard life with injuries I never complain because I'm still alive and survived death 4 times already. I council younger hemophiliacs who want to ask questions about my life and I'm always open about living with Severe hemophilia type A with a rare mutation. I'm 42 and have the body and agility of a 95 year old man. But I don't let that stop me from living life and loving God and my family and friends. I have a network of people who care about me and follow my story, and posts when I share my bleeds and injuries with people. My goal is just to educate and inspire and let others know they are not alone and that we do exist and we can be anything we want to be. I am a retired artist for DC comics and did tattoos and artwork on the side. But my passion was drawing Batman. My hands are crippled now and joints are swollen in both hands but I'm still loving my life and enjoying each day and living for God and living as long as I can as healthy as I can... My door is always open when it comes to talking about my disease

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