Can people with HELLP Syndrome work? What kind of work can they perform?

See how people with experience in HELLP Syndrome give their opinion about whether people with HELLP Syndrome can work and what kind of jobs are more appropriated for people with HELLP Syndrome

HELLP Syndrome jobs

Can people with HELLP Syndrome work?

HELLP Syndrome is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that can occur during pregnancy. It is a variant of preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high blood pressure and organ damage. HELLP Syndrome specifically affects the liver, blood, and can cause complications for both the mother and the baby.

Due to the severity of HELLP Syndrome, it is crucial for individuals affected by this condition to prioritize their health and well-being. In most cases, women diagnosed with HELLP Syndrome require immediate medical intervention, including hospitalization and close monitoring. The primary focus is on managing the condition, ensuring the safety of both the mother and the baby.

What kind of work can they perform?

Given the potential risks and complications associated with HELLP Syndrome, it is generally recommended that individuals affected by this condition take a break from work and focus on their recovery. The priority should be on rest, medical care, and following the advice of healthcare professionals.

Returning to work too soon after experiencing HELLP Syndrome can be detrimental to the individual's health and may hinder their recovery process. The condition can cause fatigue, weakness, and other physical symptoms that may limit one's ability to perform regular work duties.

It is important for individuals with HELLP Syndrome to consult with their healthcare provider regarding when it is safe to return to work. The timing may vary depending on the severity of the condition, individual recovery progress, and the nature of their job.

Once cleared by their healthcare provider, individuals with a history of HELLP Syndrome can gradually resume work. However, it is crucial to consider the physical and emotional demands of the job. Jobs that involve heavy physical exertion, long hours, or high levels of stress may not be suitable during the recovery phase.

It is advisable for individuals with a history of HELLP Syndrome to prioritize jobs that allow for flexibility, a manageable workload, and a supportive work environment. This may include part-time positions, remote work options, or jobs with reduced physical demands.

In conclusion, individuals with HELLP Syndrome should prioritize their health and recovery. Returning to work should only be considered after receiving clearance from a healthcare provider. It is important to choose a job that aligns with the individual's physical capabilities and provides a supportive work environment.

9 answers
I was given a sick note at 28 weeks due to severe headaches which has lasted 20 weeks

Posted May 18, 2017 by Charlotte 1000
From my experience no. I was in way to much pain to even move

Posted May 18, 2017 by Chantal 2150
Usually you can return back to work after you've healed from the c-section. Depending how long your hospital stay is, there are varying degrees of the disease and sometimes we aren't fortunate enough to be already in the hospital when we are diagnosed.

Posted May 20, 2017 by TayAnn 985
Not usually, once HELLP syndrome has been diagnosed the baby should be delivered urgently

Posted May 21, 2017 by Kristy 2050
After the baby is delivered, women can usually return to work.

Posted May 22, 2017 by Ashley 1220
Yes, most anything. HELLP syndrome should not affect work ability.

Posted May 24, 2017 by KJVGray 550
Once someone has gone beyond preeclampsia to full blown eclampsia or HELLP, they will be placed on bed rest. If HELLP is suspected or confirmed, pt will almost certainly be hospitalized for maternal and fetal monitoring, BP control. Pharmacitical intervention. It is best for patient to be in facility as to have immediate support. NICU is also included with the deal, in most areas.

A woman with elevated bp or controlled pre-e will be able to consume continue to work observing restrictions on Duties and hours. Freq rest periods. Bp meds.

Posted Nov 7, 2017 by Laura 1200
Translated from spanish Improve translation
Once detected during pregnancy this should be stopped. After the pregnancy if there are no sequels you can work normally.

Posted Aug 11, 2017 by Carolina 600

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Developed severe pre e at 23 weeks then Hellp at 32 weeks. baby stopped growing at 28 now a healthy 4 year old. ongoing nerve pain and hypersensitivity 
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Two years ago, on April 2, 2015 at midnight I walked into the ER with major belching and discomfort in my upper abdomanal area. We thought it was going to be an in and out situation, thinking it was just bad gas. I was 27 weeks pregnant that day. Onc...
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In 2008 I was diagnosed with PCOS (PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome). In 2012, I made it a point to become more healthy. I started taking PreNatals in 2012. A year later, almost to the day I had concieved. I didn't realize I was with child until I was abo...
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How 36 Hours Changed my Life – Anchored Brunette ⚓️ https://anchoredbrunette.wordpress.com/2016/12/09/how-36-hours-changed-my-life/
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At 20 weeks I started to get sick. Having bad reflux with my first pregnancy I didn't think anything of it. at 24 weeks after 3 trips to the hospital I was finally admitted with upper right quadrant pain. The next day I was rushed to a large city ho...

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I was wondering if anyone knows of any studies showing a correlation between HELLP and Aneurysms? I was diagnosed with HELLP & Pre-Eclampsia the day after my due date and had an emergency c-section, but I'm pretty sure that I had it for my last 2...

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