Story about Hirschsprung Disease , Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.


Jan 5, 2016

Diagnosed at 1 week old.  First pullthrough at 1 month old.  18 inches was removed from his intestines. Pooped on his own after the operation.  Stopped pooping at 2 months and 2 weeks old.  Found out he was lactose intolerant, too. Nutramigen was the only milk supplement that worked for him.  Switched to manual rectal irrigation to evacuate feces until 1 year old.  Second pullthrough at 1 year old. 5 inches was removed before reconnection to anus.

Krylsean now poops on his own several times a day. Potty training is incomplete since he mostly cannot feel when poop is coming out.   We still did manual irrigations when we see his stomach is distended.  The last irrigation was in 2014. He has ribbon-like stool which represents another problem.  

He is in kindergarten.  The school is aware of his condition and sends for someone to change his diapers when he starts to smell.  We are still undecided about home-schooling him after kindergarten.  It all depends if we will be able to have a remedy for his incontinence.

He also has ADHD, oromotor dyspraxia resulting to expressive speech delay and fine motor dyspraxia. He also goes to occupational therapy and speech therapy sessions.

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