Story about Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis .

SJIA story

Jan 23, 2016

By: Miranda

 I just started  this blog  it's all about juvenile arthritis .  I've had  JIA since  I was 12 but  the pain started really when I was 9 and i started  getting  weird rashes when I was 10  .nobody  knew what was wrong with me. I was a 12 yr old in severe  pain my family  didn't know how much pain o was in  that's until the school  board called my house telling my parents  that I needed assistance  to  get on and off my bus. Than one day out of nowhere  I couldn't  walk anymore  . I went to my family  doctor  she told my parents  I was faking  so I didn't  have to go to  school  ..  I went back a week  later  with the same symptoms  except  now I had a high fever ... at this point it's December  my family  doctor  sent me to a peditrition  who was super amazing  she wouldn't  tell me much as she didn't  want  to  ruin my Christmas  . But I over heard the whole thing  .she told my mom and dad  "I don't want to ruin your  holidays  but I believe  that  your child  has leukemia ,in the new year we'd  like to   send her to the IWK Children's Hospital  for a bone marrow  test ... unless  she spikes a high fever.than she'll have to go ASAP "  . Christmas  came and  went . The night before school  was to start  again (January  2 , 2007) I wasn't  feeling good my mom  took my temperature  and i had a fever of 102. 6 my mom called my peditrition  she told my mom to bring me into the hospital  ASAP  as this isn't  a  good  thing .  When we got there at 10 pm all I wanted  to  do was sleep and they wouldn't  let  sleep  .  In the morning  they were trying  to  airlift me to the IWK Children's Hospital   but my parents  decided to  drive me to the IWK  instead of  wasting time  it took 4 hours they put me in the pediatric  oncology  wing ... holy  that's a scary thing to see how many kids have cancer ... the doctors  let me sleep that night at the  but the next morning  I had  my bone marrow  test  .that's a scary thing . After the test and a few days passed  the doctors  told us it was NOT cancer ... they  did test after test After test . Finally  they came to the conclusion  that it  was  arthritis   . Juvenile  idiopathic arthritis  to be exact  . They then moved me to the pediatric  rhematology  wing where i met the most amazing rhematologist  I've ever met in my life   .. they started me on all kinds of pills and a needle . now I'm 20 yrs old a lot has changed but a lot has stayed  the same   I'm still on a lot of pills and 2 needles a day   but things can only get better from here....what an adventure  that I  wouldn't  wish on anyone  ... sometimes  I wanna go back to the IWK  doctors and say Thanks  for  being there when I needed you

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