Question - Lichen Planus


What are the symptoms of lichen planus?

Healthcare professional
Asked 7 years ago Divesh 100

Following are the symptoms of lichen planus:Lichen Planus symptoms may appear on skin, nails, mouth, scalp or genitals in one or more of the following ways. Round, irregular, thickened, flat-topped, dark skin lesionsPink, gray, brown or reddish eruptions, raised above skin level, with roughness and mild scaling in some cases.Slow, gradual onsetRough, oily look of lesionsIntense itching or no itchingNew lesions of 

        Lichen planus come up in areas where the skin is scratched or injured. This is called as Koebner’s phenomenonBleeding may be present on scratching

    Oral Lichen planus presents as white streaks on the mucosa of the mouth, tongue, and gums. There may be ulcers in the oral mucosa, any part of the mouth. The ulceration can be mild or extensive.Genital Lichen planus shows white streaks or ulcers on vulva, vagina, prepuce or shaft of the penis. Genital Lichen planus in both sexes can be painful.Lichen Planus of nails may present with ridged, deformed nails. Burning in mouth while eating spicy food

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    Following are the symptoms of lichen planus:Lichen Planus symptoms may appear on skin, nails, mouth, scalp or genitals in one or more of the following ways. Round, irregular, thickened, flat-topped, dark skin lesionsPink, gray, brown or reddish eruptions, raised above skin level, with roughness and mild scaling in some cases.Slow, gradual onsetRough, oily look of lesionsIntense itching or no itchingNew lesions of 

        Lichen planus come up in areas where the skin is scratched or injured. This is called as Koebner’s phenomenonBleeding may be present on scratching

    Oral Lichen planus presents as white streaks on the mucosa of the mouth, tongue, and gums. There may be ulcers in the oral mucosa, any part of the mouth. The ulceration can be mild or extensive.Genital Lichen planus shows white streaks or ulcers on vulva, vagina, prepuce or shaft of the penis. Genital Lichen planus in both sexes can be painful.Lichen Planus of nails may present with ridged, deformed nails. Burning in mouth while eating spicy food

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