Story about Lipedema , Degenerative Disc Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sleep Apnea.

Not my fault!

Jan 13, 2019

By: Amanda

Year Condition Began: 2015

All my life I have been heavy, but I think I really started noticing when I was about 15 that my body was changing again...and not in a good way. My legs were bigger, my butt was bigger, and my proportions were off...small on top, big on bottom.
Doctors always told me to watch what I was eating...even when I told them I don't eat that much! To them I was just fat. Anything I had go wrong medically was blamed on my weight. How depressing...especially when you fast forward to 1 year ago (Dec. 2017) when i finally dug around online and found the word Lipedema. By looking at pictures and reading about it....HEY!! THAT'S ME!! IT'S NOT MY FAULT!!!! I can't help that my body is this way! Yah, I have some normal fat to lose...who doesnt! But, a lot of what I have, I can't help! What a relieving feeling! And then you learn enough to know there is no cure, that it can continue to grow, and that there are A LOT of women affected that don't even know it! Scary to think about...and depressing :( But, I will fight it...and do what i can to keep my mobility and help spread the word!! Life isnt over, just more challenging.

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