Story about Lynch Syndrome .


Sep 18, 2017

By: Lin

Year Condition Began: 2013

Hi I still remember that fateful day my 3rd daughter has gone for a test for my the GP though was Irritable bowel syndrome and she was given the news it was Bowel cancer and she was 29 with a 4yrs old and a 1yr old. Her older sister came round and told me the news and I just sat there and did not move for about 3mins I was stunned and did not know what to think working in the Health system. I was in a daze not able to think straight but I when to work the next day and told one of her class mates the news. Things started to happen then at a very fast rate 1st the consultant and the plan was made to start treatment. She had the news on Tuesday and treatment started on the Monday Chemo was started and she had a line inserted and I gave her treatment 24hrs a day for 6weeks. she was in the shower when her youngest daughter grabbed the bag and ran away with it daughter in the nude was running out side her house trying to get the bag back. we still laugh about it. Next treatment is radio therapy every day for 6weekd again but it was in the hospital I work at so I meet her each time and we had a few minutes quiet time together The sad side affect she became sterile and went in Menopause at 29 still remember her rings me to ask what where the sighs of Menopause yes she had them all and she cried so did I. Then she had the major Operation 1st to remove the cancer that had now attached to the uterus as well as the bowel and they remove ovaries tubes uterus and cervix . She was very rough after the operation as they had to fix her up with a bag for 6months to let the rest of her gut heal Then we got the news it was Lynch and all the family had to be tested and she would have another round of chemo just because she was so young. Just before the re-joining of the bowel her husband younger brother was dying for cancer aged 18 and that set every one back. Now good News She is fit well and cancer free enjoying life. A very long journey and we are happy to talk and meet with others going on this journey

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