Story about Multiple Sclerosis .

MS will not get me

Dec 2, 2

By: Carol

I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1993.  I became extremely ill from my diagnosis until approx 2002.  I was in a wheelchair for that whole time I am currently blind in my left eye I have a lot of lesions on my brain and my spine.  I have two college degrees and I worked full time for a publishing company for 18 plus years before I had to be let go from that company due to my disability. I proceeded to Center City the next day to the EEOC and fought against that company and the EEOC granted me a win.  I won my case! And then I applied for Social Security disability and I was granted Social Security disability in record time 7 weeks. I started volunteering for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society in 1995 and I have been giving messages or speeches about multiple sclerosis  in the Philadelphia area  to newly diagnosed patients ever since.  I am currently a single mother of a 12 year old daughter which is very challenging.   I can no longer work due to the daily pain in various parts of my body ....  .every part of my body has been affected by multiple sclerosis asides from my right arm and right hand.  My aunt who is my mother's sister also had multiple sclerosis up until her death which was caused by cancer. I currently take Copaxone and I was in the FDA study the last trial phase of the study before it was released to the public to help those with this horrible disease.  I did go off Copaxone for approximately a year when I found out I was pregnant and I went back on Copaxone a month after I gave birth to my only daughter.  Aside from Copaxone saving my life I also believe that a positive attitude can help anyone with any disease.  A positive attitude is a very good thing to have to help someone combat any disease that they may encounter.  So I am currently on disability and not working due to the amount of fatigue I endure on a daily basis and the amount of pain that I also indoor on a daily basis.  I have learn to accept the fact that I can no longer work and make the best of every day God gives me.  That is basically my story.  If I can help just one person with multiple sclerosis in any way that is my goal...... ultimately I would like to help as many people as I possibly can to deal with multiple sclerosis.


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