Story about Myasthenia Gravis .

Getting a diagnosis

Jan 1, 2016

By: Samantha

 I was only diagnosed on Christmas Eve after waiting almost 2 years for a diagnosis. The muscles that are affected the most with my MG are my respiratory muscles and my jaw/throat muscles and most recently my thigh muscles have become weaker too. It was my cardiologist who diagnosed me (I've been under his care as they were thinking it was a cardiac issue as I get irregular heart rhythms until it was discovered it was respiratory muscle weakness along with other muscle weakness that has started to show itself ) but have recently started seeing a neurologist to help with a diagnosis. As my neurologist was away over Christmas and my latest MIPS and MEPS tests and respiratory test results showed my muscles were weakening quite quickly my cardiologist admitted me to hospital and started me on a trial of Mestinon 60mg to see if it would help and it almost doubled my mips/MEPS results and so a diagnosis was made (he was consulting with a major neurology team in the city to come to the diagnosis). I have since been on 60mg Mestinon 3 times a day and 50mg prednisolone once a day and am feeling a lot better then I was. I'm still tired and muscles are still weakening by the end of the day but I'm no longer struggling to really get my breath and can swallow without getting tired and food caught in my throat for most part of the day.  I don't see my neurologist until next Thursday so I feel like I'm flying blind with this condition as I really don't know how much I should expect to improve or what my future holds but I'm grateful to finally have a name for my condition. Thanks for listening ☺️

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