Story about Myasthenia Gravis , Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Michelle's Journey

Jun 16, 2018

By: Michelle

Year Condition Began: 2012

I was diagnosed Jan 2016 but have had symptoms for years before being told it was MG, it wasn't until my right eye started dropping that my Dr referred me to the neurologist and a few test later he told me I had Myasthenia Gravity...I had to have him write it down so I could look it up and tell my family what it was. It went down hill pretty quick after the that as it affected my breathing. By April 2016 I was scheduled for my thymectomy as my thymus was the size of an 18 year olds and obviously not a good thing. After the surgery I was symptom free with only taking Mestinon. I could talk and breath. That lasted 9 months and then I got a upper respiratory infection and the flu...bamn MG back with a vengeance. I was hoarse, problems breathing, weakness in my legs arms, and swallowing issues. My neurologist put me on Prednisone...30 mg a day and he upped the dose to 60 mg a day and added Imuran....and nothing helped. He finally convinced me (or I should say he convinced my husband) that I needed to go to the hospital for 5 Days of IVIG ....and OMG I was like a new woman it was so nice being normal.....but always it only lasted 4 weeks
Story about Myasthenia Gravis

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