What are the latest advances in Nemaline Myopathy?

Here you can see the latest advances and discoveries made regarding Nemaline Myopathy.

Latest progress of Nemaline Myopathy
1 answer
I know that L-Tyrosine in large daily doses help with strength. Also L-Canatine helps with keeping things moving through the body.
There has been some advances in research. I know they have found things that help with mice and also dogs. The medicine isn't approved yet but could make strength easier to get for the patient!

Posted Aug 29, 2017 by Mary Jo Draisma 2100

Latest progress of Nemaline Myopathy

Nemaline Myopathy life expectancy

What is the life expectancy of someone with Nemaline Myopathy?

5 answers
Celebrities with Nemaline Myopathy

Celebrities with Nemaline Myopathy

1 answer
Is Nemaline Myopathy hereditary?

Is Nemaline Myopathy hereditary?

3 answers
Is Nemaline Myopathy contagious?

Is Nemaline Myopathy contagious?

3 answers
Natural treatment of Nemaline Myopathy

Is there any natural treatment for Nemaline Myopathy?

1 answer
ICD9 and ICD10 codes of Nemaline Myopathy

ICD10 code of Nemaline Myopathy and ICD9 code

3 answers
Living with Nemaline Myopathy

Living with Nemaline Myopathy. How to live with Nemaline Myopathy?

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Nemaline Myopathy diet

Nemaline Myopathy diet. Is there a diet which improves the quality of life ...

4 answers

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Stories of Nemaline Myopathy

Nemaline Myopathy stories
Doctors had never seen a person with this disease before me. They said it was very rare. Eventually I found others online and we are a like family. The nemaline myopathy support group on Facebook is a great resource community.
Nemaline Myopathy stories
ACTA1 ;mild to severe side; NIV/night, Gtube, spinal curvature >70, surgery never done/considered too risky by local surgs Complicated labor-ischemic hypoxia autistic, failure to thrive used to walk 2 to 5 years declining :(
Nemaline Myopathy stories
Tenho 20 anos , descobri a Nemalínica com 3 anos de idade através de biópsia. Atualmente sou cadeiras e faço uso de ventilação mecânica nasal .
Nemaline Myopathy stories
I was born with the condition Nemaline Myopathy & have always had muscle weakness, but I wasn't diagnosed with it until I was 43. I suffer from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and in my long trail of searching for help and answers for that condition I ended u...

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