My Cancer story

May 9, 2016

By: Greg

Initially diagnosed with stage II cancer in Dec of 2009  with about 10 cm of my colon removed in the Sigmoid area.  No chemo or radiation was suggested. The Juravinski Cancer Clinic in Hamilton thought I was young and still fairly active and the decisin was made to monitor me   I went back to work  and all seemed normal. Then in 2011 after a regular scan the cancer came back with a discovery of a nasty polyp that proved to be cancerous.  About 30 cm of colon in the recatl area was cut out and I was scheduled to get 7 weeks of radiation with an infusion of chemo too.  More surgery schduled and then a period of recovery. A decision was made to give me 10 sessions of chemo --5-FU.  The nausea and general fatigue was terrible. After all that I had to have a colostomy bag of which I have it for the last 4 years. One learns to live and adjust to the conditions I have. 

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